Spring Frittata with Asparagus, Mozzarella, Parmesan and Calendula

spring frittata

The delicate pale green tender asparagus spears are making their appearance in our gardens and at the market and are perfect for a spring frittata. Welcome spring!

I purchase most of my greens from Northshore Greens at the Farmer’s Market in Covington. Last weekend they had several varieties of edible flowers. I chose the calendula, pot marigold, thinking that the vibrant yellow and orange edible petals would pair well with my bright green asparagus. To prepare calendula for eating, I plucked the petals from the green flower base. The petals can be eaten raw or cooked. Like other edible blooms, they are loaded with antioxidant compounds.

You are probably familiar with other edible flowers such as nasturtiums and have had them in salads and other preparations. They are easy to grow in our region and have many uses. They always brighten a garden or a dinner plate.

The asparagus requires a little preparation. I always cut off the tough ends. Then I like to use a vegetable peeler to peel the bottom half of the asparagus. Place the asparagus in a dish with about 1/4 cup of water, cover, and steam them in the microwave for 3-4 minutes until tender. Once you have accomplished this, the asparagus is ready to use in salads or in this case a frittata.

Pairing the asparagus with eggs, mozzarella, parmesan, and a little sautéed onion results in a delicate, creamy, and light spring frittata.

Frittatas are so versatile and are wonderful when preparing brunch, lunch, or dinner. With a salad on the side, this is a quick and easy meal to prepare and a great way to combine whatever is fresh at your market or leftover in the fridge. Try different flavor combinations with different vegetables and herbs and cheeses. Keep the egg and vegetable ratio the same as I have it in this recipe and let your creative juices flow.

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